Judy Kaber, “Rituals”

orange line



Judy Kaber is a retired elementary school teacher. Her poems have been published in a number of journals, both print and electronic, including The Guardian, Off the Coast, Eclectica, and The Café Review. Her contest credits include the Maine Postmark Poetry Contest in 2009, the Larry Kramer Memorial Chapbook Contest in 2011, and, most recently, second place in the 2016 Muriel Craft Bailey Contest judged by Marge Piercy. Judy lives in Maine, heats with wood, and likes to kayak on the stream behind her house.


2 thoughts on “Judy Kaber, “Rituals”

  1. I really enjoyed this poem and what I plan to do now is to take it tomorrow to one of my local creative writing classes and read it to them at our Christmas party. We don’t do Thanksgiving here, but this is a rural area and there are several “milkers” in the class. I’m sure this will hit the spot! It’s a fine poem.


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